09:30-10:00 Registration
10:00 Welcome and Introduction
10:10 Field performance of colloidal activated carbon: lessons learned from multiple sites and geological settings Jack Shore, Regenesis
10:40 Black Swans and Barrage Balloons: Managing Unexploded Ordnance Risk in Construction Projects Russell Bowman, Curtins
11:10 Hexavalent chromium reduction by organic matter Suha Aldmour, University of Leeds
11:30 Coffee Break
11:50 Analysis of biochar potential for reducing phytotoxicity of Zn polluted soils Rosa Soria Penafiel, University of Sheffield (presentation not provided for download)
12:10 Bench-scale evaluation of FeS minerals in treating chlorinated VOCs, plus modifying products to market needs Mike Summersgill, PeroxyChem
12:40 Closing remarks
Refreshments kindly sponsored by Chemtest