A big hello from the YCLF Steering Group
Ann Barker (City of Bradford MDC)
Ann has many years’ experience in contaminated land investigation, management and regulation in consultancy and as a local authority officer. She has an M.Sc. in Contaminated Land Management and is a part-time lecturer at Leeds Beckett University. As Lead Officer Contaminated Land at Bradford MDC Ann has dealt with implementation of Part 2A of the EPA 1990, strategic regeneration projects, redevelopment of brownfield sites and Planning issues. She was a member of the Defra Part 2A Expert Panel.
Ann has worked with organisations such as YCLF, YALPAG (Yorkshire & Lincolnshire Pollution Advisory Group), Environmental Protection UK and NCLOG (National Contaminated Land Officers Group) to: raise the profile of land quality work and local authority regulatory issues at local, regional and national level; facilitate support networks, develop training and skills; and improve communications across the land quality sector.
Zoe Cooper (Construction Testing Solutions)
One of the founder members of the YCLF steering group committee, Zoe’s drive and passions is to increase communication and share best practices within the environmental industry.
Zoe has over 20 years experience in the testing inspections and compliance sector working with in Business Development and Account/Project Management.
Zoe's key focus is on the needs and expectations of clients from initial contact and project set up to the final report; and the development of long term business partnerships. Having been fortunate to work on many significant major projects over the past two decades; Olympics, Crossrail, HPC, HS2 to name a few.
Julia Reynolds (Lithos Consulting)
Julia is a Chartered Scientist and Member of the Institution of Environmental Sciences. She has an MRes in Contaminated Land Management and over 20 years’ experience working in the Contaminated Land sector in both the public and private sectors. Julia has sat on several forums at both a regional and national level and has also given lectures to undergraduates on land contamination regulation.
Orna O’Toole (Coal Authority)
Orna has over 20 years’ experience working in the contaminated land sector and has been based in Yorkshire for her career to date. She began as a hydrogeologist with the Environment Agency (Yorkshire) prior to becoming the EA’s Contaminated Land Officer. Orna then moved to the NHBC as a Principal Environmental Engineer for 16 years working on complex brownfield developments for housing developments. More recently Orna has become the Principal Technical Manager for the Coal Authority whose mission is Making a better future for people and the environment in mining areas.
Orna is the Vice Chair of the YCLF steering committee and has been a member of the committee since 2007.
Jason Drake (WSP)
Jason has been on the YCLF steering group since 2018, and has previously served on the steering group of the North West Brownfield Regeneration Forum, as well as the YAHPAC (now YALPAG) contaminated land subgroup.
Jason’s main reason for wanting to be involved with YCLF is to continue to ensure that knowledge is shared as widely as possible between all practitioners in the region, and to encourage new industry entrants to become actively involved in their profession.
Jenny Lightfoot (Arup)
Jenny is a Chartered Geologist (CGeol) and Specialist in Land Condition (SiLC) with over 25 years’ experience in contaminated land and hydrogeology. She is the leader of Arup North West and Yorkshire Geoenvironmental Team and is familiar with the challenges of complex brownfield sites and contaminated groundwater.
Jenny has been based in Yorkshire for most of her career, however as well as in the UK, Jenny has worked in Nigeria, Cameroon, Kazakstan, Mauritius and across Europe. Prior to joining Arup Jenny led the Environment Agency team responsible for protecting groundwater quality from hazards such as coal mining legacy, landfill, contaminated land and pollution incidents.
Jenny is an SQP under the National Quality Mark Scheme and a Qualified Person under CL:AIRE Definition of Waste Code of Practice.
Jenny Ford (Sirius Group)
Jenny is a Senior Engineer with Sirius Geotechnical with 18 years of consultancy experience in contaminated land assessment and remediation. Jenny specialises in the field of clean cover and ground gas assessment and verification process. Jenny is a member of the Society of Brownfield Risk Assessment (SoBRA) and is involved in the Ground Gas Steering Group.
Jenny is keen to develop her clients understanding /knowledge of contaminated land assessment, in order to assist with their planning requirements.
Duncan Scott (Vertase FLI Ltd)
Duncan is the Technical Director at Vertase FLI Ltd, a leading Brownfield and Contaminated Land remediation contractor. He is a Chartered Scientist, Chartered Geologist, Specialist in Land Condition (SiLC), Suitably Qualified Person (SQP) under the National Quality Mark Scheme (NQMS) for land contamination management and a UK Registered Ground Engineering Professional. Duncan has a PhD in groundwater remediation from the University of Nottingham and has worked in both consulting and contracting roles over the last 15+ years, contributing to the successful delivery of numerous site investigation and land remediation projects across the UK.
Lee Anderson (EPS Leeds)
Lee is a Senior Geo-Environmental Consultant who has worked for EPS since graduating with an MSci in Environmental Science from the University of Nottingham in 2017.
In 2019, the opportunity to move to Leeds came up and since then Lee remains heavily involved in consultancy, whilst also taking on a business development role. He loves to be out in his PPE overseeing ground investigations as much as he enjoys report writing and client meetings. Lee is a Fellow of the Geological Society (FGS), with ambitions to become chartered in the near future, whilst continuing to learn and develop his skills as a contaminated land professional.
Isabel Stones (CMS)
Isabel is an Associate in the Planning team in the Sheffield office of CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP, having qualified as a solicitor in August 2020.
Isabel advises clients on planning and environmental legal issues on development projects and existing assets.
Rick Saville (Abbeydale Geoscience)
Rick started life in the geoscience industry in 2007 and has spent most of his time in private consultancy working on a range of geotechnical and geo-environmental projects. Rick also worked for Leeds City Council Geotechnical Section and is now the owner of Abbeydale Geoscience.
Outside of his professional practice Rick is a keen photographer and likes to spend his free time with a camera in his hand as much as possible.
Amy Juden (The Environmental Protection Group)
Amy leads the Geoenvironmental discipline at The Environmental Protection Group Ltd. She is a Chartered Geologist (CGeol) and contaminated land specialist who has worked in brownfield redevelopment since 2012. She has authored industry guidance on ground gas (NHBC NF94) and provides training via CL:AIRE on ground gas risk assessment. Amy is committed to continuing innovation in contaminated land risk assessment and providing the most sustainable solutions for sites with complex geoenvironmental issues.
Amy is currently based in West Yorkshire and joined the YCLF steering group in 2023. She has previously served: as a judge for the brownfield awards, the Geological Society Contaminated Land Group committee, the asbestos working group of SoBRA, and on the CL:AIRE Technical Research Group.
Rae Watney (Sheffield City Council)
Rae has been a Local Authority Officer specialising in Contaminated Land for the last 5 years, and prior to that worked in Contaminated Land consultancy. She is active in local and national officer groups for NCLOG and YALPAG, and was a member of the working group for the new NCLOG guidance on simple cover systems. In 2021, she won Best Young Brownfield Professional at the Brownfield Briefing awards.
Jane Crossley
Josephine Hicks (Mott MacDonald)
Josephine is a Chartered Geologist (CGeol) with a MGeol from the University of Leicester. Josephine has been working in the contaminated land industry since her graduation in 2016, initially as a Remediation Engineer in the southwest before moving to Sheffield in 2020 to work in Consultancy.
Josephine has recently joined the YCLF steering group in 2024 and is eager to take opportunities to actively contribute to the contaminated land industry, to spread best practice and maximise local networking opportunities.
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